This pipeline is used to add content into the view pages for editorial objects in the private zone. It is called as demonstrated below:
pipeline('afficher_fiche_objet', array(
'args' => array(
'type' => 'type_objet',
'id' => $id_objet),
'data' => "<div class='fiche_objet'>" . "...contenus..." . "</div>");
As of writing, it is used for adding elements to the "articles" and "navigation" (sections) pages.
The "Forum" plugin uses this pipeline to add buttons enabling discussion of an article. It does this by adding a forum reference to the footer of the article page:
function forum_afficher_fiche_objet($flux){
if (($type = $flux['args']['type'])=='article'){
$id = $flux['args']['id'];
$table = table_objet($type);
$id_table_objet = id_table_objet($type);
$discuter = charger_fonction('discuter', 'inc');
$flux['data'] .= $discuter($id, $table, $id_table_objet, 'prive', _request('debut'));
// [...]
return $flux;