This pipeline is used to add content to the "left-hand" column in the private zone pages. This column generally contains links or forms relating to the currently displayed content, like the form for adding a logo for the current section/article.
echo pipeline('affiche_gauche', array(
This pipeline accepts the name of the currently displayed "exec" page as an argument, as well as the possible identifier for the object currently being displayed, such as the "id_article".
The "spip bisous" plugin, which is used to send kisses(bisous) amongst site authors, employs this pipeline to display the list of kisses received and sent for the author pages:
function bisous_affiche_gauche($flux){
if ($flux['args']['exec'] == 'auteur_infos'){
$flux['data'] .=
debut_cadre_relief('',true,'', _T('bisous:bisous_donnes')) .
recuperer_fond('prive/bisous_donnes', array('id_auteur'=>$flux['args']['id_auteur'])) .
fin_cadre_relief(true) .
debut_cadre_relief('',true,'', _T('bisous:bisous_recus')) .
recuperer_fond('prive/bisous_recus', array('id_auteur'=>$flux['args']['id_auteur'])) .
return $flux;