
The "affiche_hierarchie" pipeline is used to modify or add to the HTML code for the breadcrumb path in the private zone. It accepts a certain number of data items in the args: the subject of its current identifier, if there is one, and possibly the identifier of the sector.

$out = pipeline('affiche_hierarchie', array(


The "polyhiérarchie" plugin, which enables a section or article to have multiple parents, uses this pipeline to list the various parents for the section or article currently displayed:

function polyhier_affiche_hierarchie($flux){
	$objet = $flux['args']['objet'];
	if (in_array($objet,array('article','rubrique'))){
		$id_objet = $flux['args']['id_objet'];
		$parents = polyhier_get_parents($id_objet,$objet,$serveur='');
		$out = array();
		foreach($parents as $p)
			$out[] = "[->rubrique$p]";
		if (count($out)){
			$out = implode(', ',$out);
			$out = _T('polyhier:label_autres_parents')." ".$out;
			$out = PtoBR(propre($out));
			$flux['data'] .= "<div id='chemins_transverses'>$out</div>";

	return $flux;

Author Mark Baber Published : Updated : 12/03/23

Translations : English, français