Notes about this documentation

License and rights

The fruits of long hours of writing, this documentation is a combination of knowledge from the SPIP community. All of this work is distributed under the open Creative Commons license - Attribution - Share Alike (cc-by-sa). You may use these texts for any purpose whatsoever (including commercial), modify them and redistribute them on the condition that you allow your readers the same rights to share.

Continuous improvements

This work - still in progress - has been subject to numerous proofreadings but is certainly not guaranteed exempt from any error. Please don’t hesitate to offer improvements or point out mistakes by using the suggestion form available on the documentation internet site ( You may also discuss the organisation (of the content or technical presentation) and the translations by using the discussion list "spip-programmer" (requires subscription).

Write a chapter

If you feel motivated by this project, you may offer to write a chapter about a subject that you have mastered, or rework an existing chapter to make it clearer or more complete. We will do our best to accommodate your efforts and support you in such activities.


You may also contribute to the translation of this documentation into English or Spanish. The site’s private zone ( is used for discussing the translations that are currently being prepared. Having said that, we’re not planning to translate the documentation into other languages until such time as the organisation of the various chapters has been stabilised, which might yet take several months.

Computer code and properties of languages

With the aim of retaining compatibility, the computer code segments which serve as examples only contain ASCII characters. This means, among other things, that you will not find any language diacritic marks in the comments that accompany the examples anywhere in the documentation, a matter normally of considerable importance in French, and almost none in English. Therefore, we ask that you expect such absences to occur and ignore them.

Happy reading!

Author Mark Baber Published : Updated : 26/05/10

Translations : English, français, Nederlands