CVT form loading
SPIP provides a simple and powerful process to manage forms, called CVT (Charger, Vérifier, Traiter i.e. Load, Verify, Process). It breaks down a (…)
Other preloading options
Various other special parameters can be sent to the form when it is loaded to modify its original behaviour:
message_ok, message_erreur
The (…)formulaire_charger
Modifies the table of values returned by the
function for a CVT formPipelines used for loading
This pipeline makes it possible to modify the table of values returned by the charger function for a form. It is more fully (…)Conditional displays
The charger() or traiter() functions can indicate if the form is editable or not in their responses. This provides a means of receiving an (…)
Loading values into the forms
The charger() function makes it possible to specify which fields should be retrieved when the form is submitted, and also makes it possible to (…)
Authorise the display or hiding of a form
Forms are displayed by default, but it is possible to restrict this display depending on certain assigned authorising data.
Two possibilities (…)