Loops Criteria
Use criteria in loops to specify simple or complex selection conditions.
Criteria shortcuts
A criterion can sometimes be written in a simplified form: criterion. In such cases, SPIP normally translates this as criteria=#CRITERIA (unless (…)
Automatic joins
Whenever a loop is requested to use a criteria which does not belong to the loop’s own primary table, SPIP automatically tries to find a linked (…)
Criteria syntax
The loops criteria for are written between curly brackets just after the tables names. spip
Any SQL field in a table can become a selection (…)Optional criteria with operators
The use of optional criteria may be combined with the use of operators under certain specific conditions. In particular, it is necessary for the (…)
The "!" operator
Conditional criteria of simple negation, when operating on fields that are external to the table (fields accessed by a join to another table), do (…)
Optional criteria
Sometimes it’s useful to make a selection only if the environment contains the requested tag. For example, we might hope to filter the loops based (…)
Simple operators
All of the criteria that perform selections based on SQL field values have a certain number of operators available for their use. spip field (…)