This pipeline makes it possible to modify the table of values returned by the charger
function for a form. It is more fully described in the chapter about pipelines: formulaire_charger
paramètre _pipeline
This parameter makes it possible to modify the HTML code published by making it pass through a specific pipeline. This data, sent in the loading table, makes it possible to specify the name of a pipeline and the arguments to be passed to it. It will be called at the time the form text is displayed.
SPIP uses the parameter in a generic fashion by making all publication forms that call the formulaires_editer_objet_charger()
function pass through a pipeline named editer_contenu_objet
. This pipeline is described in its own special article: editer_contenu_objet.
$contexte['_pipeline'] = array('editer_contenu_objet', array('type'=>$type, 'id'=>$id));
The CFG plugin uses this parameter to make all the CFG forms written as CVT forms pass through the editer_contenu_formulaire_cfg
$valeurs['_pipeline'] = array('editer_contenu_formulaire_cfg',
The pipeline that CFG then uses to collect the contents not necessary in the transmitted HTML:
// pipeline for the display of content
// to delete the CFG parameters from the form
function cfg_editer_contenu_formulaire_cfg($flux){
$flux['data'] = preg_replace('/(<!-- ([a-z0-9_]\w+)(\*)?=)(.*?)-->/sim', '', $flux['data']);
$flux['data'] .= $flux['args']['ajouter'];
return $flux;