Quick overview

SPIP transforms templates into static pages. Templates are mainly composed of loops (<BOUCLE>) which select elements, typically sets of records, and tags (#TAG) which display the properties and values of those elements, typically fields from the records or system-wide functions and preconfigured values.

List the 5 most recently published articles:

    <BOUCLE_art(ARTICLES){!par date}{0,5}>
      <li><a href="#URL_ARTICLE">#TITRE</a></li>

In this first example, the <BOUCLE_art()> loop performs a selection from the ARTICLES table in the database. It sorts the data in reverse chronological order and returns the first five elements.

For each article that the loop selects, the #URL_ARTICLE tag is replaced with the URL calculated for that article’s page, and the #TITRE tag is replaced with its title as stored in the database.

Typical HTML resulting from this kind of loop:

	<li><a href="Recursion">Recursion</a></li>
	<li><a href="Parameter">Parameter</a></li>
	<li><a href="Argument">Argument</a></li>
	<li><a href="Modifying-all-of-your-templates-in">Modifying all of your templates in one hit</a></li>
	<li><a href="Display-an-authoring-form-if">Display an authoring form, if authorised</a></li>

Author Gilles Vincent, Thomas Sutton Published : Updated : 12/03/23

Translations : English, Español, français, Nederlands