The contents of a (PHP) exec file

In the absence of a prive/exec/name.html SPIP template file, a call from the private zone to a ?exec=name page loads a exec_name_dist() function in a exec/name.php code file.

Such functions are mostly broken down as follows: the call to the start of the page, the declaration of a left column, a right column and a page centre. There are some pipelines that exist so that plugins will be able to add data to these page blocks.

Example of an empty "name" page

if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;


function exec_nom_dist(){

	// if not authorised: error message
	if (!autoriser('voir', 'nom')) {
		echo minipres();

	// initialisation pipeline 
	pipeline('exec_init', array('args'=>array('exec'=>'nom'),'data'=>''));

	// headers
	$commencer_page = charger_fonction('commencer_page', 'inc');
	// titre, partie, sous_partie (pour le menu)
	echo $commencer_page(_T('plugin:titre_nom'), "editer", "editer");
	// title
	echo "<br /><br /><br />\n"; // outch ! aie aie aie ! au secours !
	echo gros_titre(_T('plugin:titre_nom'),'', false);
	// left column
	echo debut_gauche('', true);
	echo pipeline('affiche_gauche', array('args'=>array('exec'=>'nom'),'data'=>''));
	// right column
	echo creer_colonne_droite('', true);
	echo pipeline('affiche_droite', array('args'=>array('exec'=>'nom'),'data'=>''));
	// centre
	echo debut_droite('', true);

	// contents
	// ...
	echo "display whatever you want to here!";
	// ...
	// end of contents

	echo pipeline('affiche_milieu', array('args'=>array('exec'=>'nom'),'data'=>''));

	echo fin_gauche(), fin_page();

Author Mark Baber Published : Updated : 12/03/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands